Agriculture Plant Pathology
Quiz 10
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91) Which of the following fungicide is not a sterol biosynthesis Inhibitors (SI)?
(A) Ethirimol
(B) Triforine
(C) Thiophanate
(D) Triazoles
Correct Answer :Thiophanate
92) Resistance based on genes taken from the genome of virus pathogen and
engineered into the host is known as:
(A) Pathogen derived Resistance
(B) Horizontal resistance
(C) Sytemic Acquired Resistance (SAR)
(D) None of the above
Correct Answer :Pathogen derived Resistance
93) In Integrated Disease Management (IDM) of tomato, the seeds should be
treated with ______ to prevent fungal infection?
(A) Trichoderma (1%) + Imidacloprid (2.5 gm/kg seed)
(C) Endosulfan (1.5 ml/litre)
(D) All of above
Correct Answer :Trichoderma (1%) + Imidacloprid (2.5 gm/kg seed)
94) Use of biolistics for gene transfer is a:
(A) Direct method of gene transfer
(B) Indirect method of gene transfer
(C) Employs virus for gene transfer
(D) Accurate method with 99% result
Correct Answer :Direct method of gene transfer
95)In biophysical method, the presence of virus in seeds can be detected indirectly
(A) Electron microscopy
(B) Soft x rays
(C) Both the above
(D) None of the above
Correct Answer : Soft x rays
96) Which of the following is non PCR based monocular marker
Correct Answer :RFLP
97) Hessian fly resistance gene (H21) is inserted in wheat with the help of?
(D) All the above
Correct Answer :RAPD
98) Example of sequence tagged sites is:
(D) All of above
Correct Answer :All of above
99)Durability of resistance (against pathogens) in plants has been increased by?
(A) Developing multi lines variety
(B) Gene pyramiding
(C) Both the above
(D) None of the above
Correct Answer :Both the above
100) Which of the following is scoreable marker gene?
(A) ocs,nos
(B) UidA
(C) Lux A, Lux B
(D) All of above
Correct Answer :All of above
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Plant Pathology |
What is plant pathology?
Plant Pathology is defined as the study of the organisms and environmental conditions that cause disease in plants, the mechanisms by which this occurs, the interactions between these causal agents and the plant (effects on plant growth, yield and quality), and the methods of managing or controlling plant disease. It also interfaces knowledge from other scientific fields such as mycology, microbiology, virology, biochemistry, bioinformatics, etc. More ...
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